
make yourself at home.

the new blog – a place to slow down, breathe, and process. best served with coffee and a warm seat, or however else you feel welcome and calm.


I chose to begin this blog as a means of slowing down and giving myself space. In my ongoing pursuit of mental health and growth, I’ve known for a long time that stillness is something missing from my life, and that the lack of it carries ripple effects.

This blog acts as both a location for me to practice stillness, as well as a vessel for sharing the things I learn. Doing both compells me to continue writing, and spurs on the pursuit of calmness. Knowing I’m sharing my growth motivates me, and attaches incentive to the foundational habit.

Here’s to hoping we can all slow down, breathe, and process. And smile 🙂

slow down.

This is a challenge for me. And like with any challenge in life, it presents opportunities for growth when I pursue it. I don’t naturally slow down, and our culture doesn’t encourage it. But when I do, it’s almost as if the dust of life settles long enough for a breath and fresh air and clarity. I’m learning to practice that here.


It’s astonishing how often I forget to consciously breathe. I often go days, even weeks, without an intentional, slow deep breath. It takes 3 seconds, yet it feels like a complete reset. I’m learning to make it a habit here.


Giving myself time and space to process never fails to provide balance and peace. Without this, I spend my energy and time reacting to life, without realizing the affects on my mental and emotional wellbeing. Processing, in calmness and appropriate timing, allows me to organize my thoughts, return to my priorities, and begin living proactively.

the latest from the new blog